Recent content by Staz

  1. Staz

    Oldest Crock Pot Known to Man?

    My crock pot was passed down to me by my mother, and it seems to be pretty old. It's a Corningware brand slow cooker with three settings, low, hi, and auto. I know it's at least as old as I am (almost 20) and I've only recently started cooking in it for myself. Does anyone know about this brand...
  2. Staz

    Crock Pot Newbie!

    Hello, I'm Staz. I just cooked my first crock pot meal today (pot roast and carrots) and I've been looking for somewhere to learn the tips and tricks of slow cooking, as well as exchange recipes. Slow cooking really interests me because of how frugal it is. You can throw the odds and ends of...