Where do you get your recipes? Is it from cookbooks, family recipes or online?


Active Member
I've been going to the library and getting books on slow cooking but I wonder if you guys/gals had other resources.:)
I have a collection of cookbooks, but most of my searching is done online since it is so easy to do. I do check out what the local library has from time to time just to check out the options. :rolleyes:
I've been going to the library and getting books on slow cooking but I wonder if you guys/gals had other resources.:)
I look up recipes online but often change them to fit the way I want them to be. I leave out spices I don't like and add some that I do. Also I often change the cooking times from the original recipes if the need arises. I also look in books that I buy cheap at garage sales. There seems to be a lot of slow cooker books for sale cheap there.
I also get recipes online. I wonder if there are any slow cooking TV shows?

Hmm.. this is an interesting thought although we don't have cable. I will however be posting some videos in the forums soon related to slow cooking.
I've been going to the library and getting books on slow cooking but I wonder if you guys/gals had other resources.:)
All of the above. I have a dozen or so cookbooks I love. I also use Facebook (friends and family) and Pinterest to find recipes. I also have a few rthat were passed down from mom but not many.