Thinking about starting a Once A Month Cooking Club


New Member
Has anyone ever been part of a Once A Month Cooking Club? I thought it might make it more fun and less work if there were a group of people combining ingredients, marking bags, etc., but I'm also concerned that more people may make it more confusing.

Would appreciate any insight from those that have tried this.


Has anyone ever been part of a Once A Month Cooking Club? I thought it might make it more fun and less work if there were a group of people combining ingredients, marking bags, etc., but I'm also concerned that more people may make it more confusing.

Would appreciate any insight from those that have tried this.



Hi Dawn!

I was involved in a monthly cooking club. Like you, I was a little hesitant.

Our cooking club met at our church kitchen about 9am every month. We had roughly a dozen or so women that attended. Our goal was to make inexpensive dinners all in a matter of a half a day, like 9-12ish. We would partner into groups of 2-3 depending on how many people came. Our spending limit was $20-25 per meal and we had to at least double our recipes. Basically our group of 2-3 would all cook and then when the cooking was finished we would equally divide the dinners amongst us. This gave us a few nights without cooking and always a new variety of foods.

It became sort of a competition of sorts. Everyone started saving receipts and comparing them to see who spent the least amount of money and provided the most amount of food. At first, it sounded like it would be a little more expensive to do this but I got to know ladies that had marvelous recipes that they had made for just mere pennies. I could spend about $20, go in for 3 hours and come out with 3 full dinners that were always big enough for leftovers. You can't beat that!

There wasn't any crock pot cooking since we had just a few hours. Recipe swapping was always nice, you were always paired with different people and it was just plain old fun.

We did bring our own Ziploc freezer bags and Tupperware for taking food home in. I once took a plain old Shepherds Pie recipe and juiced it up, bought disposable pans at the dollar tree and was able to make 3 full casseroles to share....all costing about $22. That sort of thing was common.

I think that a cooking club is great. You just have to decide what you want to get out of it. Ours was strictly designed to have fun, share the cooked dinners and to do it as cheaply as possible.
A cooking club would definitely be something I'd be interested in. If anyone has any recommendations about the best one to join I'd really appreciate it. I love hearing about other peoples' recipes. That's why I love this forum so much, I learn a lot and I get to share a little bit as well.
I think it would be fun if we had a kind of Once A Month Club here on the forum. Someone throws a simple recipe out there and we fiddle with it and post results here. I thought that would be really fun.
I would definitely love to be a part of it. This will make more recipes for this style of cooking more available online. I love new ideas so count me in!