Slow cooking - efficient and economical


Active Member
Recently divorced and now living on one income, I have surprisingly found out how economical slow cooking is. For example, the cuts of meat that I purchased to slow cook are less expensive than the costly tender cuts I used to buy for grill or stove top recipes. Another fact that I found - using my slow cooker requires as much electricity as cooking a quick meal on the stove. Additionally, my budget is kept under control because I can buy key ingredients in bulk- I then store and or freeze until I’m ready to slow cook again.
Crockpot cooking is so efficient for our family! If I know I am going to have a busy few days ahead, I can have two different crocks going with two different meals. Or I can even prepare my ingredients the day before and place in the fridge to pull out in the morning to put on to slow cook. I don't know where I would be without my slow cookers!!:eek:
It is very economical. We love using the crockpot over here for that reason. Plus the meat is always tender and juicy.