Getting Cash Back Online Shopping


Active Member
I shop online so much thank goodness I found . When you shop through ebates you get cash back. When you make your first purchase you get a $10 gift card of your choice mailed to you . In addition to cash back they have online coupons from online stores that give you extra savings. This is great because I love couponing and saving money and you can earn while you shop. Give it a try and let me know how much you saved.
Another great way to save money online is by buying discounted giftcards through Cardpool. People who would prefer cash over a giftcard can sell their giftcards to them at a discount. Then the card is sold to customers like you and I. So for example, you may be able to buy a $10 gift card to Starbucks for $8.50 or $9. These are great to use at stores where you often shop or as gifts at Christmas time. Check it and save!
My sister uses Cardpool. She purchases gift cards from Wal-Mart and Walgreens. Its a really cool concept.