Leftover meats
Leftover vegetables
Leftover rice, potatoes or pasta
Leftover sauces or gravies or soups
A large freezer-friendly container
After dinner each night place leftovers in the container and place in freezer. When the container is full, remove from freezer and thaw. Place in a large soup or crock pot and give it a stir to mix all the leftovers together. If moisture needed, add bouillion or water to desired consistency. Simmer until ready to eat.
Leftover meats
Leftover vegetables
Leftover rice, potatoes or pasta
Leftover sauces or gravies or soups
A large freezer-friendly container
After dinner each night place leftovers in the container and place in freezer. When the container is full, remove from freezer and thaw. Place in a large soup or crock pot and give it a stir to mix all the leftovers together. If moisture needed, add bouillion or water to desired consistency. Simmer until ready to eat.