Are food supplements as good as raw food?


What do you guys think? A nutriticionist recently told me I can get all my vitamins and minerals from food supplements in the form of pills.

I really prefer regular ole' fruits and veggies. What do you think and do you use supplements ?
That nutritionist is taking crazy pills. I believe the rule has always been food first and THEN supplements. There is no way supplements can replace all the nutrients and benefits of whole foods. The definition of supplement kind of lends itself to this idea as well.
I agree in eating as much of your nutrients in foods, but they say we do not get all the nutrients we need by food. Eating a variety of foods helps with gaining more of the things the body needs.
I would think that we should get as much nutrients from food if possible. Vitamin pills cant be as good as the real thing. Although, we probably cant get all the vitamins we need from food because we do not eat enough of a variety of it. Probably is best to try and eat right and take vitamins too, just don't overdo it on vitamins.
Getting nutrition from foods you eat is the most important thing. Some supplements sold in stores, are not able to be fully absorbed in the stomach and intestines. This is especially true with many multi-vitamins. When you take them, you can be getting less than half of the nutrients on the label!
Getting nutrition from foods you eat is the most important thing. Some supplements sold in stores, are not able to be fully absorbed in the stomach and intestines. This is especially true with many multi-vitamins. When you take them, you can be getting less than half of the nutrients on the label!

I have worked in the medical field and home with my daughter right now with some medical issues. A nurse I worked with reminded me to place my vitamin or supplement in a small amount of vinegar. Put just enough to cover it (this is similar to the acid content in your stomach). Check it an hour or so later to see if it has started breaking down. Hopefully, it has by then. There are some vitamins like One A Day that does not even really break down at all! It is a simple test that can tell you if the supplement will break down enough to gain any benefits from it in the body.
I have worked in the medical field and home with my daughter right now with some medical issues. A nurse I worked with reminded me to place my vitamin or supplement in a small amount of vinegar. Put just enough to cover it (this is similar to the acid content in your stomach). Check it an hour or so later to see if it has started breaking down. Hopefully, it has by then. There are some vitamins like One A Day that does not even really break down at all! It is a simple test that can tell you if the supplement will break down enough to gain any benefits from it in the body.

Wow. That is interesting. Thank you,I will have to try this with the vitamins I am taking.
Thank you Barbara. That is very informative about the test with vinegar and vitamins. I'm meeting with my nutritionist in a week and I will be bringing all of my supplements to get his opinion