Whole Foods Crock Pot Recipes: Cantonese Ham & Lotus Root Soup

Barbara G.

Staff member

1 ham bone with some meat left on it (can also use pork ribs)
2 small lotus roots, peeled and cut into ¼ inch thick slices
10 Jujube (red date berries)
8-10 cups water, enough to cover everything


Peel the lotus root and slice it to desired thickness. Soak the slices in warm water for a few minutes and then rinse and add to the crockpot.

Add the remaining ingredients to your crockpot and set it on low for six hours.

After six hours, remove the bone from pot and take any meat off of it.

Add the meat and bone back to the pot and cook another 2 hours on low.

When the soup is done, remove the bone and eat the soup right away or let it cool and refrigerate overnight.

You can remove the fat that forms on top if you'd like.


Source: MyHeartBeets