Now you can more easily share CrockPotable images on Pinterest!
When you're in a thread, like this one, simply hover your mouse pointer over an image and the Pinterest PinIt button will appear at the top left of the image.
Try it out for yourself right now. Hover your mouse over this image:
When you click that button a small window will pop up allowing you to share the image on your board!
We strive to make CrockPotable as fun and easy to use as possible. So please don't hesitate to let us know of any other features you'd like to see!
When you're in a thread, like this one, simply hover your mouse pointer over an image and the Pinterest PinIt button will appear at the top left of the image.
Try it out for yourself right now. Hover your mouse over this image:
We strive to make CrockPotable as fun and easy to use as possible. So please don't hesitate to let us know of any other features you'd like to see!