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  1. D

    Thinking about starting a Once A Month Cooking Club

    Has anyone ever been part of a Once A Month Cooking Club? I thought it might make it more fun and less work if there were a group of people combining ingredients, marking bags, etc., but I'm also concerned that more people may make it more confusing. Would appreciate any insight from those...
  2. D

    What Is Your Dream Crockpot?

    My dream crockpot is one that I can completely program to turn on at a certain time, switch temperatures at a certain time, switch to low at a certain time, and then switch completely off at a certain time. I wonder if there's one out there like that? Actually, if we're dreaming - I also want...
  3. D

    Thrifty Crocking for Broke Moms...!

    I only buy things that are on sale - I watch my local flyer (I only have one grocery store so I'm very limited) and I only buy what's on sale in the flyer or in the store. Because of this we eat a lot of chicken and pork since beef is horribly expensive right now. I try to change it up for my...
  4. D

    Hi I'm Dawn

    I've started doing Once A Month Cooking with my crockpot and I'm loving it. It saves me time, money, and the stress of wondering what to make each night. Before I go to bed each night I just look in my freezer, find what I want for supper the next night, take it out, put it in my fridge, and...